Oblate Sisters of St. Francis de Sales

To be an Oblate Sister of St. Francis de Sales - what does that mean? How would we define our charism, our spirit?
As Oblate Sisters of St. Francis de Sales, we lead an active life of loving service that springs from a compassionate heart, formed in prayer and contemplation, in the tradition of St. Francis de Sales.
We strive to follow our founders, Fr. Louis Brisson and St. Leonie Aviat, who brought hope to so many lost souls in the nineteenth century.
Our day may be spent in a classroom, visiting the sick, or serving our community. Each day, each work is based on our prayer life as we work to draw souls closer to Christ. Our Oblate charism calls us to

  • fidelity to the Gospel
  • devotion to the Eucharist
  • a life of constant prayer
  • service done with love
  • gentleness and humility with others
  • respect for each person.

Neither more nor less that what God asks each day.

To learn more about the Oblate Sisters see the following websites:

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